Some of us still engage in smoking. Like me, i am a chain smoker. How i wish that i could stop being smoker. I am afraid to have lung cancer or any kind of decease that can cause me to death. These are tips that i read on how to stop smoking.

Today's the day you start your smoke-free life! Remind your family and friends that today is your quit date. Ask them to support you during the first few days and weeks. They can help you through the rough spots.

1.Using your support program
2.Keep busy
3.Stay away from what tempts you

Using Your Support Program

If you decided to use a support program, use it fully. Go to the sessions. Call your telephone quitline. Visit your Internet site. The more support you get, the more likely you will quit for good.

Are you using medicine to help you quit? If so, follow the directions. If you don't, you're more likely to go back to smoking. Also, don't rush to stop using the medicine. Stick with it for at least 12 weeks. Or follow your doctor's advice.

Keep Busy

Keep very busy today.

  • Go to a movie.
  • Exercise.
  • Take long walks.
  • Go bike riding.
  • Spend as much free time as you can where smoking isn't allowed. Some good places are malls, libraries, museums, theaters, department stores, and places of worship.
  • Do you miss having a cigarette in your hand? Hold something else. Try a pencil, a paper clip, a marble, or a water bottle.
  • Do you miss having something in your mouth? Try toothpicks, cinnamon sticks, lollipops, hard candy, sugarfree gum, or carrot sticks.
  • Drink a lot of water and fruit juice. Avoid drinks like wine and beer. They can trigger you to smoke.

Stay Away from What Tempts You

Instead of smoking after meals, get up from the table. Brush your teeth or go for a walk.
If you always smoke while driving, try something new: Listen to a new radio station or your favorite music. Take a different route. Or take the train or bus for a while, if you can.
Stay away from things that you connect with smoking. Do it today and for the next few weeks.

These may include:

  • Watching your favorite TV show
  • Sitting in your favorite chair
  • Having a drink before dinner
  • Do things and go places where smoking is not allowed. Keep this up until you're sure that you can stay smoke-free.
  • Remember, most people don't smoke. Try to be near nonsmokers if you must be somewhere you'll be tempted to smoke, for example at a party or in a bar.

These are tips i want to share but i myself will try this Tips, for the benefit fo myself. thanks you...