This two person of my life is the true Hero. My Grandparents, after my father died they took care of us. They do the parenting/ guidance in order for the three of us to survive. Their name is Hector "Nestor" Santos and Ruperta "Perta" Jesuitas Santos.
They are strict but loving, they not spoiled us, but sometimes they give what we want specially my Lola or grandma. My Lola, I may the greatest, powerful, loving, most intelligent woman in the world. She do everyday multi -task, she do the cooking, the cleaning, the working. I can say that this woman -MY LOLA- is really extra ordinary woman. She is workaholic, she want everything to be done in order. About my Lolo or my grandfather, I may say that He is also strict but deep inside he is very romantic and loving person. Sometimes he always showed the angry side of him, but people don't see the kind and loving lolo to us.
Every people have their own hero in their life, can be their parent's or their relative, maybe their friends. What I want you to know, that they are from God, to protect us and guide us in the right way. They created for us to love and teach us what is right for us. In return to their kindness, we should give what they deserve to receive, our kindness to them. Love you all