Merry Christmas and Happy new Year

I been in my friend debut birthday party yesterday and it was Happiest moment of her life. Before the party started, a priest offer a prayer for the debutant. It was very solemn prayer, after that the mother of the celebrant give the opening remarks. While her mother spoke I felt how she love her daughter. She make all this things happened even they have financial problem in the family.
After the 18 gifts and some message, it's time for 18 candles, on third candle i was called and have to give some inspirational message. At first I was totally mentally blocked. I don't know what I have to say to my friend, who is right in front of me. A girl turn into a beautiful lady. Moment become silent, everyone eyes is in me, little bit nervous. I said to myself should i say good things or just say more birthdays to come. You know what come out to my mouth, the thing i really not expecting to say. This what i said "More more birthday's to come, finish your study and just study hard. Don't get wed early, life is not easy.". The thing is I want to say more about our friendship but that's the only thing i said. How funny is it. The more you think what you want to say, sometimes is not the word comes out to your mouth. Even though that message is short and simple, I know that is really meaningful for her because that is not only a message of inspiration but a message of a true friend.
After long ceremony of message, I called it ceremony of message because all 18 gifts and 18 candle and what ever 18 it was. They all come out to give inspirational message. It's time for Drinking and drunken to the max. The moment all we waited for. GSM Blue, the most common gin for a party. Hehe moment is here. We are all tired of waiting for this moment. I rapidly opened the bottle and make the first tagay. Sometimes they called me Chairman of the board you know why because i always start the drinking session or we may i called it the real party.
We are all drunk and time to go home. Our friend is now a lady already, hope all people had wish for you come true. Most specially hope all your wish and dream in life become reallity. For my friend Vanessa the debutant.