In our school ( University of Rizal System Pililla Campus). The very common problem is paying to the cashier our tuition fee. 8:30 am to be exact, I was at the school to pay my tuition fee for second semester. I finished all the requirements, the clearance, class card and etc. Last thing I have to do is to pay my tuition fee at the cashier. I fall in line with my co-student, I am like fall in line in a box office hit movie. It's already 9:30 am and there is nothing happened within our line. No one is moving or stepping forward. I wonder why it was like this. 10:30 am thanks God. One step forward happen. But still there are lot of student in front of me, maybe they are 20 of them not yet paid. Time goes by and I am bored of waiting. 11:00 am I was near at the window of the cashier. I feeling tired and exhaust. 11:55 am I almost in front of the cashier only 5 person then me. OMG the cashier or Mrs. Cecilia Tibay told us that she will have a break and back after one and half hour. Shit I shouted. I waited to much and she only said she will take a break. OMG Talaga!!!. Everyone not moving in there line. It lunch time and I'm hungry. Some does not move or get away from there line. I don't know what to do. I said to myself " Bonjay just be patient." I did not eat my lunch i waited until 1:30 pm but cashier did not open there window. We are all angry and hungry. I wait and wait for the fuck shit cashier. One student named Mina ask me why we have only one cashier in this campus, some university like UP, UST, and other campuses have 3 or 2 cashier. I answer him I don't know. 2:30 pm i ask the registrar where is Mrs. Tibay the cashier, Mr. Jayson the registrar answer me " Nagdedeposit". I told Mr. Jayson why we have only one cashier while other school have 2 or more cashier. The he said " because the government don't have fund for another one cashier.". I got silent for a while then I said " ah ganun poh ba?". 3:30 pm the cashier back, the window opened and new hope comes to me. 4 left, then 4:00 pm only one left and it my turn. 4:15 pm then it's really my moment. I gave my form and assessment then the payment for my 2ND semester. Finally the I am enrolled.
I learn something in this day that you have to be patient, and don't forget to dream believe and you will survive at the end of the day.