All of us have grandparents and relatives- from the oldest to youngest . I remember 5 or 10 years ago my family and all my relatives, in my grandmother side have yearly reunion. I can't forget, even Iwas little boy that time. It was very enjoying moment for my grandmother and for her brother and sister. Not only that, we have chance of getting know each member of our big family. They called it the reunion of Jesuitas Clan " Ang angkan ng Kulaylay". It was full of parlor games for kids and adults, drinking of beer for old men, chat for old ladies. After 1999 the yearly reunion stop. I don't know why? So I decided to reunite my relatives again to form another legendary reunion. This is not only for my grandmother but it is for Jesuitas clan. This coming January 1, 2008 the Jesuitas clan " Angkan ng Kulaylay" will be reunited in a big reunion organized by one and only bonjay. heheh.