What is Christmas and it's real meaning.

Christmas is coming. For you what is the meaning of Christmas..

Many of us now a days celebrating the christmas without really knowing whatbis the real meaning of Christmas. This event is not only for Catholic but also for other race even they are not catholic. 

Christmas is not all about Santa Claus or christmas tree or any decoration that can show that christmas is the air. This celebrate also the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ. 

What do i mean, it tell us that this event real meaning is how Lord God the Father love the world by giving His only Son Jesus Christ through Mother Mary. 

It all about giving gifts to the people you love. It's not only to the people you know but those people you don't know. Sharing affection to everyone. Showing the love of God. 

It's time for us to share the blessing we recieved. Even we are not that rich we can share something or somehow to the people that is less fortunate. We can share our time to talk to them, give them the story of how the Lord God so love the world. In that simple way we share the blessing of God to them, by knowing who is the Son of God. 

Christmas is all about Love of God to human kind. To the point He sacrifice His own son to be with us instead to be with Him in that time. He let human to experience the real and unconditional love. 

So for you who will read this blog, please share you blessing. Even your budhism, muslim, protestant, pagans, sabatista, and specially catholic and so on. Show them how the Lord God love human being because it's our responsibility to love one another. Yes is not only our responsibility but our duty to comply with.